I have to say I was totally caught off-guard when I received an email in the beginning of October saying that out of 200 submissions, I had been selected as one of ten Canadian composers for the SOCAN Screen Laboratory for Emerging Composers! I had applied back in the summer as one of many submissions to many different film composition-related programs, but I really didn’t think that I would be selected.
Needless to say, I was both excited and terrified. When I received the information package, I realized we had to create a score for a movie scene that had to be finished in 3 days!! Talk about pressure!
Once I met the host, the participants and the mentors of the program, though, I relaxed a bit. Though it would certainly be a challenging 3 days (with the official presentation on the fourth day to industry representatives), I knew I had good company, and we were in good hands. Pascal Plante, the director of the film we were scoring, was really friendly, supportive, and wonderful to talk to. Janal Bechtold, the composition mentor, was also very supportive and had great advice for all of the participants.
One hilarious twist to all of this was this: because of Covid, we were not meeting up in person for these activities, but it also wasn’t anything as boring as a regular Zoom meeting. Nope, we were meeting on Aire Ouverte, which was a virtual 8-bit city (Montreal) built on the social media platform Gather. We all had avatars, virtual desks and chairs, and we could wander around Montreal checking out all of the restaurants and bars (the virtual bars even had virtual drinks!) and chat with each other through video. This is the virtual SOCAN building, with our presentation hall on the left and a little meeting area on the right (and if you look closely, you can find two Jeffs!):
What a blast!
It was a great challenge, I met some wonderful people, and I was really honoured to be a part of it. Look for the composition I wrote to be posted soon!
Thanks to SOCAN, Bell Media, The Canadian Academy of Film and Television, and all of the people involved in organizing and running a very unique and successful program!
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